Craniosacral Therapy in Birmingham | MiExpert | All-in-one O

Hi Hong Kongers, 

My name is Thomas. I am an Occupational therapist and at the same time an experienced Craniosacral therapy (CST) practitioner. After relocating to Birmingham, I would like to continue my CST work in the hope that I could use my hands-on skills to bring well-being to our Hongkongers and local communities

I was trained in 2005 with the Upledger Institute from the USA, established by the founder of Craniosacral Therapy - Dr. John Upledger. Since then, I have been using this technique to help my patients including children, elderly, people with neurological conditions, and others in suboptimal health. Along the years, I have became facilitator, translator, and teaching assistant in all Upledger sanctioned classes run by the Hong Kong Upledger Institute. It was truely invaluable experiences to observe and learn from many CST instructors around the world. Besides I am also the author of the Chinese study guide using in Hong Kong training courses and the leader of the Hong Kong CST study groups. 

For those who are interested and looking for an experienced CST therapist, you are welcome to ask for details of my service via email/text/phone. For enquiry/bookings:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 07548915222 

Hi 香港人,

我叫Thomas,從事職業治療師,亦是髗骶骨治療師,師承美國Upledger Institute (此乃髗骶骨療法始創者 Dr. John Upledger所創建之學院)。希望來到Birmingham仍能利用所學幫助有需要的人。


電郵: [email protected]

電話: 07548915222